We serve the needs of a variety of private and public entities for better governance. On this page, we highlight how we address the needs of three particular groups of clients.
Philanthropic funders recognize the need for innovation if ambitious development goals like the global Sustainable Development Goals are to be met. For example, in the digital space, a range of new initiatives contemplate the development of digital public infrastructure in the form of open software, data or al. The building and maintenance of these new forms of digital service will require effective governance throughout their life cycles so that they achieve maximum impact with least investment of resources.
In cases like these, launching an innovation presupposes a new program or organization as its home, if the existing choices are not suitable or available. The new program or organization will require effective decision making mechanisms from the outset if it is to meet expectations of performance and to satisfy funders’ needs for accountability.
A ‘venture philanthropy’ mindset expects that new programs will be set up fast and ready to implement. And then able to scale fast once a solution is tested and proven to work. This requires flexible organization design to achieve the optimal degrees of flexibility with oversight throughout the lifecycle of the organization. At Integral, our founder has been involved in the startup of a range of new programs and organizations; and has experience in incubating new non profit initiatives effectively before transitioning them to an independent long term home as described in the case study below.
Funders also seek external validation of the effectiveness of their investments. External performance review can be a first step towards a rationalized approach of monitoring and evaluation. This approach needs to ensure that it feeds back into the decision making process of the program or organization, whether steering committee or board.
Case Study:
Our founder was involved as the co-founder with two others of a non-profit entity in the education technology space in 2015. Together, they raised a seed fund grant; and sought to focus on their core innovation--a new edtech platform which would provide ongoing education to professionals in emerging markets. To provide a sound home to receive, disburse and account for the grant funding, they proposed a special program under the auspices of fiscal sponsor Rockefeller Philanthropy Associates (RPA). This program was advised by a steering committee which included the co-founders together with the seed funder and RPA. This program was set up quickly and efficiently, allowing the focus of the first year to be on bringing the minimum viable product to market and testing and refining it. After two years of incubation, and having proven takeup, the program span out of RPA to become an independent non-profit company registered in another jurisdiction, taking with it is brand and other assets, including a two year track record which was very important in applying for other grants.
Our services to philanthropic funders:
Advisory: our advisory services are crafted to fit the needs of clients in these general areas:
Learn more about our advisory services
Evaluation: we provide evaluations of effectiveness for programs or organizations of different types:
Learn more about our evaluation services
Facilitation: we offer services to provide independent facilitation of strategic meetings
Learn more about our facilitation services
Highlighted Staff-member:
David Porteous has had substantial experience in the design of new organizations and programs in different parts of the world. Many of these have been funded by private foundations and/or bilateral or multilateral development agencies. He has also sat on the boards of for profit and non-profit entities established to pursue public purposes. He has chaired different mechanisms for the efficient and equitable disbursement of donor funds for innovation including the Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund.
To explore further how we can help you, contact us for a free consultation.
Impact investors set themselves a high bar: achieving a blend of some level of monetary return with the attainment of other desirable outcomes. Large and small investors are voting with their wallets for investment managers and investment targets which can offer blended returns. Latest figures from the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) 2020 Survey suggest that more than $715 billion is invested in this way and most GIIN respondents believed that the steady growth trend is likely to continue. So-called “triple bottom line investing” is here to stay, with input indicators captured by ESG measures.
This increasing supply of impact capital requires increasing numbers of scalable investment opportunities. However, identifying and promoting good governance in investees is not a simple task. It requires a board of directors and executive team who deeply understand organizational purpose across the dimensions of impact and the likely tradeoffs which exist in pursuit of that purpose.
The nature of governance required will also change through the stages of organizational growth; and governance structures must evolve to match the demands of each: the issues of focus for a board of a startup will differ from those of a mature entity. Good governance may also require a change in roles, or in the incumbents of key roles: a hard driving startup CEO may not be best suited to address the ongoing issues of a more mature organization; and a growth mindset will not fit a turnaround situation. The organizational board as a collective needs both the range of skills and the personalities which fit the situation and which best provide the blend of leadership, oversight and support for management.
Our services to impact investors & investees:
Advisory: our advisory services are crafted to fit the needs of clients in these general areas:
Learn more about our advisory services
Evaluation: we provide evaluations of governance effectiveness for organizations of different types:
Learn more about our evaluation services
Facilitation: we offer services to provide independent facilitation of strategic meetings
Learn more about our facilitation services
Mentoring: we offer a structured mentoring program as a way of empowering executives and board members to access relevant experience and wisdom to help guide their organizations through different life stages.
Learn more about our mentoring services
Executive coaching:
we offer a package of coaching services which can empower individuals and executive teams or boards to achieve the goals which they themselves define in circumstances like new appointments and succession planning.
Learn more about our coaching services
Highlighted Staff-member:
David Porteous has had substantial experience both as a founder, as an executive and as a non executive board member or board chair in impact organizations in the fintech and edtech sectors on various continents. Some are public or private companies or partnerships which are ‘for profit’ while pursuing other bottom lines; others are non-profit companies regulated under the tax code or committee-type structures administering philanthropic funding. He has therefore been involved in the design and implementation of governance architectures across a wide range of organizational forms, sizes and legal jurisdictions with the common thread of seeking positive impact from all.
To explore further how we can help you,
contact us for a free consultation.
As in other sectors of the economy, digitalization has had mixed effects on search firms: on the one hand, easily accessible tools like LinkedIn make global talent searches more efficient; but they also lower barriers to entry in this field, necessitating greater differentiation on other bases. At the same time, the nature of digital services is evolving fast, transforming many companies and sectors and even the nature of work itself, and making it harder to interpret the relevance of candidates’ track records for positions as specified.
The Covid pandemic of 2020 has further intensified the search for talent in the digital space. While competition was fierce before, the normalization of work-from-home practices has vastly expanded options for individuals while Diversity, Equity and Inclusion mandates and goals for C suites and boards place new pressure on hiring approaches.
Search firms often seek to identify interesting and unusual candidates who may bring valuable and different perspectives to an executive role or board seat. However, a sizable part of the remuneration of search firms usually remains at risk if placed candidates do not last in the job beyond a defined period. Equally clients are affected if key positions remain effectively unfilled for long periods due to unsuccessful hires. Higher turnover of recent hires therefore hits the bottom line of search firms and their clients.
One way to reduce the take on risk is to bundle mentoring or coaching services with the search service. Mentoring provides easy access to experience and wisdom during the important first 3 months and beyond; while coaching can provide a structured form of support for a new hire to define and pursue defined goals.
Our services to executive search firms:
Large companies typically offer mentoring and/or coaching services in house. However, not all organizations have in-house resources with the skills and capacity to do this; and candidates may also value the independence and confidentiality associated with an external mentor or coach.
In these cases, Integral offers mentoring and coaching services which can easily be bundled with a hiring process to provide support for a defined period to new hires.
Mentoring: using an experienced mentor, we offer a structured mentoring program as a way of empowering new executives and board members to access relevant experience and wisdom to help guide in organizations at different life stages.
Learn more about our mentoring services
Executive coaching:
we offer trained professional coaching services for newly appointed board chairs, non executive directors and executives which can provide a goal-directed framework of onboarding support for a defined period as the appointee discovers the essentials of his or her role, and the levers for influence within the company.
Learn more about our coaching services
Highlighted Staff-member:
David Porteous has had substantial experience as an executive and board member in companies in the fintech and edtech sectors in different parts of the world. He has also completed the Certified Professional Coach (CPC) training meeting the standards of the International Coaching Federation.
To explore further how we can help you,
contact us for a free consultation.
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